Do Carpet Beetles Bite?

It’s surprising how a tiny insect-like carpet beetle can wreak havoc on your home. These pests are notoriously difficult to remove. They will not only ruin your clothes, rugs, and carpets but might also cause an itch! That begs the question: Do carpet beetles bite? Carpet beetles don’t bite. Instead, they shed thousands of hairs that might cause a [...]

2024-07-22T12:31:59+01:00April 26, 2023|

What Is the Difference Between Mice and Rats?

Rodents have plenty of things in common. They’re intrusive, good at hiding, and sleazy. However, not all rodents are equal, not even similar-looking ones like mice and rats. Although the rodents share the same biological order, they’re different animals. Mice are often smaller than rats and have longer tails relative to their bodies. Plus, they ha [...]

2024-07-22T12:15:17+01:00December 18, 2022|

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles?

No one likes creepy crawlers infesting their homes. Now, imagine these tiny bugs eating away at your precious natural fibre carpet or your favourite leather jacket. Chances are, you could be dealing with a carpet beetle. It’s time for some pest control, but you may wonder about how to get rid of carpet beetles. More importantly, where should you s [...]

2024-07-22T12:31:09+01:00September 1, 2022|

Do Ants Lay Eggs?

There are approximately 10,000 ant species currently roaming the earth. They’re highly adaptable, so they live everywhere. However, they favour tropical forests. And thanks to their impressive proclivity for procreation, they make up more than half the insect population there. So if you were wondering, do ants lay eggs? The answer is definitely ye [...]

2024-07-22T12:30:22+01:00May 30, 2022|

What Attracts Moths in the House?

Do you know how you detect a fire by seeing smoke first? The same goes for a moth infestation. If you see a lonely moth roaming around your house, then its friends must be nearby. And since having insects around is both annoying and unsanitary, you should know what they’re seeking in your house. That’s what we’re here for! In this article, we’ll t [...]

2024-07-22T12:29:27+01:00March 1, 2022|

All you need to know about cockroaches

Studies have shown that cockroaches have been around since the time of dinosaurs. They are a crucial food source for birds, mice, and rats. So if cockroaches happen to disappear, we will be having a problem with the so-called “nitrogen cycle.” Cockroaches feed primarily on decaying matter which contains nitrogen. After that, they release that nitro [...]

2024-07-22T12:28:29+01:00January 24, 2022|

What Attracts Cockroaches In The House

Cockroaches are highly adaptive survivors, commonly known for their ability to endure challenging environments, tolerate long-spun lack of food, and tolerate some rather hostile living conditions. There are tens of different cockroach species, each attracted to different environments, temperatures, and food sources. From warm and humid spaces to da [...]

2024-07-22T12:27:28+01:00December 28, 2021|

Why Do Fleas Only Bite Me?

A lot of people report that fleas target them with bites more often than other people, especially at the ankle and bottom of calves. In fact, it’s quite a common scene for some people to get bitten by fleas alone, even when they’re hanging around with others, leaving them questioning, “why do fleas only bite me?” In today’s article, we’ll walk you [...]

2024-07-22T12:26:43+01:00November 2, 2021|

How Do You Know If You Have a Moth Infestation?

Once moths manage to enter your home, they will start multiplying and forming colonies that feed on your belongings. Although widespread, moth infestations often go unnoticed for a long time. The reason is simple – once you see the moth itself, the situation is probably already out of control. The best thing you can do to react timely and prevent [...]

2024-07-22T12:25:57+01:00September 18, 2021|

Why fleas bite humans

People usually associate fleas with pets. In reality, fleas can be an issue for humans, too. It’s possible to have a flea infestation even if you don’t have a dog or a cat at home. It’s rare, but it can happen. Furthermore, fleas can and do bite humans. These parasites are pretty nimble, and it’s not easy to get rid of them. You will need professio [...]

2024-07-23T11:00:30+01:00April 19, 2021|

Here’s why you should opt for pest control services

Having pest issues isn’t anything new for millions of household and businesses. For some, it’s even a regular occurrence. This is why many property owners try to tackle pest infestations by themselves. While this is certainly possible, it can also create more problems than it would solve. Ensuring successful pest removal involves a complex procedur [...]

2024-07-22T12:24:28+01:00March 17, 2021|

What smell keeps clothes moths away?

Moths are small and quiet but can cause quite the expensive damage to your clothes. One of the most famous home remedies is the use of mothballs. Sadly, they are smelly and not really ideal for a long-term solution. And their smell can act as a signal to all of your guests that you have a moth infestation. Luckily you don’t have to rely on the sme [...]

2024-08-19T09:39:35+01:00February 11, 2021|
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